Publications - National 7T facility
Publications using data from the National 7T facility
Download lists of publications (2025-01-06) and conference contributions (2025-01-06) below:
- A. Gard et al., Widespread white matter abnormalities in concussed athletes detected by 7T diffusion MRI, Journal of Neurotrauma:online
- N. Spotorno et al., Diffusion weighted magnetic resonance spectroscopy revealed neuronal specific microstructural alterations in Alzheimer’s disease, Brain Communications:online, p.fcae026
- L. Wennberg et al., Effects of Ultra-High Field MRI Environment on Cognitive Performance in Healthy Participants,Radiography 2023, 30:95
- B. Hansson et al.,Decrease of 7T MR short‑term effects with repeated exposure, Neuroradiology online
- J. Lindahl et al., Add-on Pramipexole for Anhedonic Depression: Study Protocol for a Randomised Controlled Trial and Open-Label Follow-up in Lund, Sweden, 13, p.e076900
- M. Nilsson et al., Case Report: Bilateral Damage to the Immature Optic Radiation and Secondary Massive Loss of Retinal Ganglion Cells Causing Tunnel Vision, Frontiers in Neuroscience:17
- B. Lampinen et al., Probing Brain Tissue Microstructure with MRI: Principles, Challenges, and the Role of Multidimensional Diffusion-Relaxation Encoding, NeuroImage 2023, 282:120338
- B. Garzón et al., Cortical Changes During the Learning of Sequences of Simultaneous Finger Presses, Imaging Neuroscience 2023, 1:1
- E. Cardena et al., A Neurophenomenological fMRI Study of a Spontaneous Automatic Writer and a Hypnotic Cohort, Brain Cognition 170: 106060
- B. Ramgren et al., New Devices and Technology: 7T Magnetic Resonance Angiographic Imaging of Basilar Artery Perforator Aneurysms – Initial Experience of a Non-Invasive Alternative to DSA, Interventional Neuroradioloy, online
- L. Lindström et al., Nonlinear Brain Correlates of Trait Self-Boundarylessness, Neuroscience of Consciousness:2023, 2023(1):niad006
- S. Emin et al., Imaging-Based Assessment of Fatty Acid Composition in Human Bone Marrow Adipose Tissue at 7 T: Method Comparison and in Vivo Feasibility, Magn Reson Med 2023, 90:240
- A. Zampeli et al., Structural association between heterotopia and cortical lesions visualised with 7 T MRI in patients with focal epilepsy, Seizure 2022, 101:177
- J. Töger et al., Real-time imaging of respiratory effects on cerebrospinal fluid flow in small diameter passageways, Magn Reson Med 2022,88:770
- H. Olsson et al., Simultaneous mapping of T1 and in human brain at 7T, Magn Reson Med 2022,87:2637
- A. Lundberg et al., Comparison of MRI methods for measuring whole-brain oxygen extraction fraction under different geometric conditions at 7T, J Neuroimaging 2022,32:442
- E. Kornaropoulos et al., Sensitivity of diffusion MRI to white matter pathology: Influence of diffusion protocol, magnetic field strength, and processing pipeline in systemic lupus erythematosus, Front Neurol 2022,13:837385
- B. Hansson et al., MR- safety: Evaluation of compliance with screening routines using a structured screening interview, Journal of Patient Safety and Risk Management 2022,27:76
- S. Götestrand et al., Visualization of wrist anatomy—a comparison between 7T and 3T MRI, Eur Radiol 2022,32:1362
- A. Glans et al., Health effects related to exposure of static magnetic fields and acoustic noise—comparison between MR and CT radiographers, Eur Radiol 2022, 32:7896
- A. Gard et al., Post-concussive vestibular dysfunction is related to injury to the inferior vestibular nerve, Journal of Neurotrauma 2022,39:1
- F. Ventorp et al., Preliminary evidence of efficacy and target engagement of pramipexole in anhedonic depression, Psych. Res. Clin. Pract. 2022,4:42
- A. Seidemo et al., Tissue Response Curve Shape Analysis of Dynamic Glucose Enhanced (DGE) and Dynamic Contrast Enhanced (DCE) MRI in Patients with Brain Tumor, NMR in Biomed, online publication, 2022
- L. Langensee et al., Cognitive performance in systemic lupus erythematosus patients: A cross-sectional and longitudinal study, BMC Rheumatol:6:22
- S. Waiczies et al., Magnetic resonance imaging of multiple sclerosis at 7.0 Tesla, JoVE doi:10.3791/62142 p.e62142 early view
- T. M. Kylkilahti et al., Achieving brain clearance and preventing neurodegenerative diseases—a glymphatic perspective, JCBFM 2021 early view, p.0271678X20982388
- V. Wiggermann et al., In vivo investigation of the multi-exponential T2 decay in human white matter at 7 T: Implications for myelin water imaging at UHF, NMR in Biomed 2020: 34, p. e4429
- G. Opheim et al., 7T epilepsy task force consensus recommendations on the use of 7T MRI in clinical practice, Neurology 2021,96:327
- H. Olsson et al., Radiofrequency bias correction of magnetization prepared rapid gradient echo MRI at 7.0 Tesla using an external reference in a sequential protocol, Tomogr 2021,7:434
- H. Olsson et al., Mapping magnetization transfer saturation (MTsat) in human brain at 7T: Protocol optimization under specific absorption rate constraints, Magn Reson Med 2021,86:2562
- M. Novén et al., Cortical thickness and surface area of left anterior temporal areas affects processing of phonological cues to morphosyntax, Brain Res 2021,1750:14715
- M. Novén et al., Cortical and white matter correlates of language-learning aptitudes, Hum Brain Mapp 2021,42:5037
- B. Hansson et al., MR-safety in clinical practice at 7T: Evaluation of a multistep screening process in 1819 subjects, Radiography 2021,28:454
- K. Markenroth Bloch, F. Kording, J.Töger, Doppler Ultrasound Cardiac Gating of Intracranial Flow at 7T, BMC Med Im 2020: 20, p. 128
- H. Olsson, M. Andersen, G. Helms. Reducing bias in DREAM flip angle mapping in human brain at 7T by multiple preparation flip angles, Magn Reson Imaging: 2020:72, p.71-77
- H. Olsson et al. Reducing bias in dual flip angle T1-mapping in human brain at 7T, Magn Reson Med. 2020: 84(3) p.1347-1358
- B. Lampinen et al., Tensor-valued diffusion MRI differentiates cortex and white matter in malformations of cortical development associated with epilepsy, Epilepsia 2020:61, p.1701-1703
- B. Hansson et al. Subjectively reported effects experienced in an actively shielded 7T MR ‒ a large-scale study. Journal of Magn Reson Imag, 2020: 52 p.1265-1276
- J. Töger et al. Blood flow imaging by optimal matching of computational fluid dynamics to 4D-flow data, Magn Reson Med 2020: 84(4) p. 2231-2245
- E. Einarsson et al,.The role of cartilage glycosaminoglycan structure in gagCEST, NMR in Biomed 2020: 33, p.e4259
- V. Boer et al., MR Spectroscopy Using Static Higher Order Shimming with Dynamic Linear Terms (HOS-DLT) for Improved Water Suppression, Interleaved MRS-fMRI, and Navigator-Based Motion Correction at 7T, Magn Reson Med 2020: 84, p.1101
- L.M. Gottwald, et al., High spatiotemporal resolution 4D flow MRI of intracranial aneurysms at 7T in 10 minutes. American J Neurorad. 2020: 41(7) p.1201-1207
- M. Novén et al., Cortical thickness of Broca’s area and right homologue is related to grammar learning aptitude and pitch discrimination proficiency. Brain and Lang, 2019. 188: p. 42-47
- P. Peterson, E. Olsson and J. Svensson, T2 relaxation time bias in gagCEST at 3T and 7T: Comparison of saturation schemes. Magn Reson Med, 2019. 81(2): p. 1044-1051
- B. Hansson, et al., Short-term effects experienced during examinations in an actively shielded 7T MR, Bioelectromagnetics 2019. 40: p. 234-249
- M. Truong et al., Subacute vessel wall imaging at 7-T MRI in post-thrombectomy stroke patients. Neuroradiology 2019. 61: p.1145-1153:
- S. Brinkhof et al., Uncompromised MRI of knee cartilage while incorporating sensitive sodium MRI, NMR in Biomed, 2019:32(11): p.e4173,
- F. Szczepankiewicz et al.,Tensor-valued diffusion encoding for diffusional variance decomposition (DIVIDE): Technical feasibility in clinical MRI systems, Plos One 2019:14
- P. Peterson et al., Knee dGEMRIC at 7 T: comparison against 1.5 T and evaluation of T1-mapping methods. BMC Musculoskel Disord, 2018. 19: p. 149
- K. Markenroth Bloch, J. Töger and F. Ståhlberg Investigation of cerebrospinal fluid flow in the cerebral aqueduct using high-resolution phase contrast measurements at 7T MRI. Acta Radiol, 2018. 59(8): p. 988-996
- L. Knutsson et al., Arterial input functions and tissue response curves in dynamic glucose- enhanced (DGE) imaging: Comparison between glucoCEST and blood glucose sampling in humans. Tomography, 2018. 4(4): p. 164-171
- B. Lampinen et al., Neurite density imaging versus imaging of microscopic anisotropy in diffusion MRI: A model comparison using spherical tensor encoding. NeuroImage, 2017. 147: p. 517-531
- L. Knutsson et al., Dynamic Susceptibility Contrast MRI at 7T: Tail Scaling; Analysis and Inferences About Field Strength Dependence. Tomography, 2017. 3(2): p. 74-78
PhD theses
- 2024-11-22: Anna Gard, Department of Clinical Sciences, Lund University, Sport-Related Concussion: Neuroimaging, Biomarker, Vestibular and Neuropsychological Studies
- 2024-09-27: Anton Glans, Institutionen för omvårdnad,Umeå Universitet, Safe and Sound: managing acoustic noise, gradient field applications, and static magnetic field exposure in MR – a radiography perspective
- 2023-06-23: Lena Lindström, Department of Psychology, Experience without self: Phenomenology and neural correlates of selflessness
- 2023-04-28; Anina Seidemo, Department of Medical Radiation Physics, Lund University. Dynamic Glucose Enhanced Chemical Exchange Saturation Transfer MRI : Optimization of Methodology and Characterization of Cerebral Transport Kinetics
- 2021-10-29: Hampus Olsson, Department of Medical Radiation Physics, Lund University, Gradient echo-based quantitative MRI of human brain at 7T: Mapping of T1, MT saturation and local flip angle
- 2021-10-28: Björn Lampinen, Department of Medical Radiation Physics, Lund University, Probing brain microstructure with multidimensional diffusion MRI: Encoding, interpretation, and the role of exchange
- 2021-06-10: My Truong, Department of Diagnostic Radiology, Lund University. Advanced Vascular Imaging. From Wall to Plaque
- 2021-03-05: Mikael Noven, General Lingusitics, Lund University. Brain anatomical correlates of perceptual phonological proficiency and language learning aptitude
- 2020-11-09: Boel Hansson, Department on Clinical Sciences Lund, Lund University, Safety and health effects in high and ultra-high field MR